Website for Tiller - web agency that specializes in designing and developing websites and web-based applications.

Сase study unveiling the creative story of elegant, informative, and eye-pleasing website design for Tiller, the team working on integrating brand, web, and product to drive conversion and product adoption.

Services were done:
Web Design
Graphic Design


Tiller's previous website did not articulate their new growth strategy with Tech & SaaS focus. They are also experiencing too many unqualified leads. The previous website also did not reflect their latest capabilities, how their culture is shifting, and their ambitions for the future of their team. The website contained out of date content and lacks a wow factor that Tiller are confident to achieve. 


To begin the design process, I conducted research to identify their specific demographics and characteristics of their target audience. This helps in creating a user-friendly website that caters to the specific needs of the audience.

Audience Profiles:

Audience #1

Audience #2

Main Key Objectives:

I analyzed website analytics data to understand user behavior, popular pages, and areas where users might encounter difficulties or drop off of current website. This provided insights into user preferences and areas for improvement and studied competitors to identify best practices, assess their strengths and weaknesses, and identify opportunities for differentiation.

The main key objectives were:

  • Niche down to position Tiller for more rapid growth - define new category and be the first to enter / communicate our clear and unique point of view
  • Leverage all SEO and SEO learnings from our campaign with Directive so we minimize impact on traction
  • Next level / future design aesthetic - show our clients what the future looks like; our site should inspire them; stand out in a sea of creative agencies
  • Our site needs to show that we know SaaS
  • We’ve grown up a lot in the last 2 years - tell the story / show the growth (e.g. more remote team, epic headquarters, etc.)
  • Have the website win an award
  • Have a score of 99% for technical SEO once we’re live
  • Growth from 17% to 25% conversion rate

User Journeys:

I mapped out user journeys for each persona, outlining the steps they would take when visiting the website, from initial research to book an intro call. I identified touchpoints, potential pain points, and opportunities to provide valuable information or support.


I created a clear and hierarchical sitemap that organized the content and functionality of the website. Main sections included:

  • Home
  • Portfolio
  • Services (Branding, Web Design, Web Development, Our Capabilities)
  • Company (About, Careers, Contact)
  • Blog
  • Get A Proposal


I tried to create a visually appealing, user-friendly, and informative platform that effectively showcases the services and instills trust in potential users. Here are some key considerations for web design I used:

1. Clean and Professional Design: The website should have a clean and professional look to establish trust and credibility. I used a modern and visually appealing design with a balanced layout, clear typography, and high-quality graphics.

Home page

2. User-Friendly Navigation: The website is easy to navigate, with clear menus and logical organization of content. Users can find the information they need quickly and effortlessly. I designed a sticky header or a prominent navigation bar for easy access.

Sticky Navigation

3.  Clear Value Proposition: Clearly communicate the value and benefits of Tiller SaaS agency. I included compelling messaging to explain what problems our agency solves and how it adds value to customers.

4. Showcase Features and Benefits: I highlighted the key features and benefits of our SaaS solutions. Using a combination of descriptive text, visuals, and possibly video demonstrations to showcase the unique selling points.

5. Testimonials and Case Studies: Testimonials, success stories, and case studies were included to build credibility and demonstrate the positive impact of Tiller's services. I included real examples of how SaaS solutions have helped clients achieve their goals.

6. Engaging Content: I included engaging and informative content to educate visitors and establish Tiller agency as an industry thought leader. This includes blog posts, whitepapers, eBooks, glossary. Content is easy to read, well-structured, and optimized for search engines.

7. Trust Elements: I designed trust elements such as security badges, client logos, awards, and certifications to instill confidence in our agency's credibility and reliability.


I identified a specific niche within the SaaS industry that excel in and position Tiller as a pioneer in that category. The website clearly communicates and bring Tiller Agency to that niche. I created a visually stunning website that showcases agency's creativity and innovation, using modern design elements, unique layouts, and cutting-edge visuals to inspire visitors and differentiate Tiller from other creative agencies. I dedicated sections of the website to highlight Tiller's deep understanding of the SaaS industry, by sharing insights, case studies, and success stories that demonstrate expertise and ability to deliver results specifically for SaaS businesses. I created a dedicated page on the website to showcase the growth and evolution of Tiller over the past years and highlighted milestones, achievements, and changes such as an expanded remote team, new headquarter, significant client wins. I ensured that the website adheres to best practices for technical SEO. This includes optimizing page load speed, ensuring mobile responsiveness.

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