Likeme Dating App. UX Design for connection and finding long-term, serious relationships.

Check the design process on the mobile application Likeme that combines the functionality for searching and making new connection based on user's personalities for a serious relationship. Check user experience design solutions.

Services were done:
UX/UI Design
Graphic Design


Client is a startup that wants to create a dating app that is focused on helping users find real love. The app aims to differentiate itself from existing dating apps by providing a more personalized, authentic, and engaging experience. The task was to create a UX/UI design for the app that is user-friendly, intuitive, and meets the needs of the target audience.


To begin the design process, I conducted research to identify user needs and pain points. Competitor analysis was an important part of designing a better dating app. It involved researching and evaluating other dating apps in the market to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and unique features. By analyzing other successful dating apps, I identified best practices for designing user interfaces, features, and functionality. Using this information I created a user experience that is intuitive, easy to use, and appealing to users. Also I noticed that most dating apps focus on casual dating or hookups, so client and I decided to create an app that focuses on long-term, serious relationships. By reading user reviews and feedback on other dating apps, I gained insights into common user complaints and pain points. I used this information to avoid making similar mistakes and design features that address common user complaints.

Overall I found that the primary user needs are:

  1. Finding compatible matches: Users want to be matched with people who share similar values, goals, and interests, and who are genuinely looking for a committed relationship.
  2. Authenticity and honesty: Users want to use an app where people are truthful about themselves and their intentions.
  3. Ease of use: Users want the app to be easy to use and navigate.
  4. Communication: Users want a seamless communication experience with their matches, which fosters deep and meaningful conversations.
  5. Safety and Privacy: Users want to feel safe and secure when using the app.
  6. Personalization: Users want to be able to personalize their profiles and matches, and feel like they are connecting with real people, not just a photo and a bio.

User Experience Design:

Here are the main features I included in this app:

1. Comprehensive profiles:

To help users connect with like-minded individuals, the app includes a comprehensive profile creation process that includes questions about users' values, interests, hobbies, and lifestyle choices. This will help match users based on compatibility, and increase the chances of finding a long-term, serious relationship.

2. Robust matching algorithm:

The app's matching algorithm should be designed to prioritize compatibility over superficial factors such as physical appearance. The algorithm should take into account the information provided in users' comprehensive profiles, as well as their behavior on the app (e.g. who they like/dislike), to provide matches that are more likely to result in a long-term, serious relationship.

3. Communication tools:

In order to facilitate meaningful connections, the app includes a variety of communication tools, such as instant messaging, voice and video calls, and the ability to share photos and videos. These tools are easy to use and accessible within the app, so that users can engage in conversations without having to switch to other platforms.

4. Video profiles:

To help users get a better sense of each other's personalities and communication style, the app allows users to create video profiles in addition to standard photo and text profiles. This can help increase the sense of connection between users and help them find more compatible matches.

5. User verification:

To ensure that users are who they claim to be and reduce the risk of fraudulent accounts, the app includes a user verification process. One way to verify a user's identity is to use a matching ID to photo verification process.

Here's how it works:

  1. App asks user to upload a photo of themselves holding a government-issued ID, such as a driver's license or passport.
  2. Compare the information on the ID with the information provided by the user during the account registration process to ensure that the information matches.
  3. Use facial recognition technology to compare the user's face in the photo with their profile photos to ensure that they match.
  4. Once the verification process is complete, we mark the user's account as verified to let other users know that they have completed the verification process.

6. Security and privacy features:

The app includes robust security and privacy features, such as encryption of user data and the ability for users to control who can see their profile and personal information. This can help users feel more secure and protected while using the app.

7. Feedback and reporting:

To help maintain a positive and respectful community, the app includes features that allow users to report inappropriate behavior or content. Additionally, the app can provide users with feedback on their behavior and communication style to help them improve their chances of finding a successful long-term relationship.

User Interface Design:

Designing a dating app that is both visually appealing and accessible to a diverse audience was challenging. As the dating app is aimed at daily basic operations and quite a diverse target audience, the user interface has to be super easy and accessible for users with different levels of tech-literacy and all types of mobile devices. The application layout was structured around intuitive navigation, high readability, light background, and eye-catching images. The light and airy background sets the effective space for a variety of users' images. Clear and solid typography based on san-serif fonts makes the information scannable and legible on the screens of different sizes. Color contrast is used for amplifying quick navigation. attract users’ attention to interactive zones and active states. In terms of UI design, Likeme dating app is visually appealing, with a clean and simple layout that makes it easy for users to find what they are looking for. Here are some additional UI design considerations that I used:

1. Visual Hierarchy: I used visual hierarchy to guide users' attention to important elements, such as profile information and messaging features.

2. Consistency: I used consistent design elements throughout the app, such as color schemes, fonts, and icons.

3. Personalization: I provided options for users to personalize their profiles and account settings, such as choosing a profile picture or setting preferences for notifications.

4. Simplify Navigation: I ensured that the app's navigation is clear and easy to use, with large buttons and simple menu structures. I considered using gesture-based navigation to make it easier for users with motor impairments to navigate the app.

5. Use of Icons and Symbols: I used clear and simple icons and symbols that are easily recognizable and avoided using too many decorative elements that can distract users from the content.

6. Font Size and Style: I used a legible font that is easy to read and consider increasing the font size for headings and labels to make them more prominent.

7. Color Contrast: I ensured that there is sufficient contrast between text and background colors to make it easy for users with visual impairments to read the text.


In conclusion,  I created a dating app that differentiates itself from existing dating apps. The app is user-friendly, engaging, and intuitive, and the focus on authenticity and honesty fostered deep and meaningful conversations. Overall, the client was pleased with the outcome, and I believe that the app has the potential to be successful in the competitive dating app market, by appealing to users who are genuinely looking for a committed relationship.

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